SHP's client Vertigo Software, Inc. builds NBC's Olympic Video Player

Posted on Monday February 15, 02010

Vertigo Software, Inc. , a client of Shoulder High Production's, LLC . was called upon to build NBC's online video player for the 2010 Vancouver Olympics.

Vertigo build NBC's Video Player

"Designed and built in partnership with NBC Universal and Microsoft, this unique web experience will showcase live streaming and on-demand HD video and immersive photo galleries for a wide variety of competitions, athlete interviews and Opening and Closing ceremonies during the network’s February 12-28 coverage.

HD-quality Video
Thousands of hours of live HD content, streaming at full 720p. Microsoft IIS Smooth Streaming technology enables the player to automatically adjust video quality to match each user’s bandwidth."

Using Microsoft's Silverlight Player, which you can downloand and install for either PCs or Macs here , and a host of other cutting edge web tools, Vertigo created the perfect online experience of the Olympics.  We have watched their design and perfection of many of these integrated web strategies and the work they did for NBC is truly "gold medal" deserving!

Of particular interest to Shoulder High Productions, LLC. is the HD player they built which ramps up the quality of the stream from low enough for a smooth fast start to a full 720 High Definition video experience.  It is almost as much fun to watch the video quality improve for the first few seconds of play, as it is to watch the Olympians do their stuff!  But we're video people over here so you're allowed to just watch and enjoy the competitions.

We're extremely happy to be helping Vertigo with their media communication needs and look forward to bringing you more of their great work.


GO U.S.A.!!!   (click the picture above to watch the action)


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