Posted on Wednesday February 17, 02010
Bill Gates, yes that Bill Gates, has been highlighting the danger of climate change recently and the need for an energy transformation.
Gates recently gave a TED talk in which he pushed a vision of a world in which population and wealth have increased, even as carbon emissions drop to zero. Although the full talk isn’t available online, a series of photos of the event depict his summary slide, which calls for:
Is the goal of a economy with zero emissions such a radical goal? A better question might be isn't it a more death defying and radical course of action to continue to live in a world where we don't make this our goal and do everything we can to achieve it.
As for the other lecture series we at Sustainability Media know and love so much...The Long Now Foundation
Here are two links to some pretty smart people who have been giving the idea of how to get to such a goal some serious thought.
Stewart Brand in his talk at the Long Now Foundation's Seminars About Long-term Thinking "Rethinking Green"
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